Sydney/NSW Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - Confirm your Interest


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
Guys, the venue is booked and now its time to start planning for a fabulous day/night. The 2013 Sydney mini expo is on the weekend of the 1st/2nd of June 2013 so this will coincide with the Sydney Vivid festival , a dinner on the saturday night and tour of the vivd festival is planned for the saturday night which should all get us in the mood for Sundays mini.

Where: Sydney Fish Markets (confirmed)
When: 1st/2nd June 2013 (confirmed)
dinner and vivid show on Saturday the 1st, mini on Sunday the 2nd

Sunday Mini - 9AM to 4:30PM

I would like people to plan to bring something for show and tell because i think after doing this for a few years that the best approach is to only spend the morning doing any presentations and then spend the rest of the afternoon just mingling and helping eachother out as ive found thats where most get the biggest benifit, hands on discussion and questions.
So im asking what people want to discuss in the morning session and what people want to see in the afternoon session.

Last year we had an awsome fresh seafood lunch (what better place then at the fish markets :p ) and this will be the plan again, the cost should be between $15 to $20 per person for the day including this fabulous lunch.

Im asking for people to help organise this with me as i have a busy schedule this year, but if the last few years are anything to go off then this should be a great day for everyone to just catch up or to learn from those that have already done it. Either way everyone walks out learning something new.

So to confirm your interest please answer the below questions so we can plan the best approach so we can make this the most succesful Sydney mini to date.

1: Coming to the Sunday mini
(Kids may be accomodated please ask if needed)
2: Having the Sunday mini fresh seafood Lunch (kids welcome)
3: Coming to the Vivid dinner on Saturday night (kids welcome)
4: Just coming to Vivid on Saturday Night, no dinner (kids welcome)
5: Would like to help to Organise
6: What would you like to see discussed/or shown at the mini?

Please check that you are in the below list

We hope to see as many of you there :D

What is a mini?

A mini is an expo that is put together by long standing members of the animated Christmas Lighting community to help share ideas and give people new to the hobby a chance to get some hands on experience. Everyone always walks away with more knowledge from the experienece, well worth making the effort. Infomation on last years mini expo can be found here:

What is the Sydney Vivid festival?

The Sydney Vivid festival is a an annual festival held in the heart of sydney showing off many types of different lighting effects on some of Sydneys most iconic buildings including the opera house. More information regarding the Sydney Vivid festival can be found here

Sunday Mini AttendanceConfirmed?
Fasteddy - 1Confirmed
SuperMan - 1Confirmed
Christmas_in_the_Shire - 1Confirmed
Lithgowlights - 1Confirmed
Grahami2006 - 1Confirmed
Damicka10 - 1Confirmed
Yagoona Lights - 1Confirmed
bbayjohn - 2Confirmed
greg58 - 1Confirmed
DannyP - 1Confirmed
JPB - 1Confirmed
Tonylights - 1Confirmed
Mm - 1Confirmed
ChippingNorton Lights - 1Confirmed
cscool36 - 1Confirmed
Logandc99 - 1Confirmed
Wombat - 1Confirmed
scootinmad - 1Confirmed
talk2coxie - 1Confirmed
Sunday Fresh Seafood LunchConfirmed/Dietary?
Fasteddy - 1Confirmed
SuperMan - 1Confirmed (no seafood)
Christmas_in_the_Shire - 1Confirmed
Lithgowlights - 2Confirmed
Grahami2006 - 1Confirmed
Damicka10 - 1Confirmed (no seafood)
Yagoona Lights - 1Confirmed
bbayjohn - 1Confirmed (no seafood)
greg58 - 2Confirmed
DannyP - 1Confirmed
JPB - 1Confirmed
Tonylights - 1Confirmed
Mm - 1Confirmed
ChippingNorton Lights - 1Confirmed
cscool36 - 1Confirmed
Logandc99 - 1Confirmed
Wombat - 1Confirmed
scootinmad - 1Confirmed
talk2coxie - 1Confirmed (no seafood)
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Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

You can count me in.
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

If I can get off work I'll be there too
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

lithgowlights said:
If I can get off work I'll be there too

You have plenty of time to plan the weekend off, so no excuses :D
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

sounds good eddy
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

I have put the 1st in my calendar already (no family birthdays that week).
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

Sounds great... I will be sure to head down there when that is on, i will need all the info i can grasp before making the plunge.
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

Yep I'll be there
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

Definitely interested in the Mini expo! (Can it be brought forward to January by any chance??? :D )
Not likely to be there for dinner / vivid though.
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

I suppose I better grovel to the boss again! The good news is my boss was promoted to General Manager. So considering he is top dog, there will be no chance for an over rule from above! On the down side, if he says no.....I have no course for appeal!...........Will keep you posted on the outcome. I'm sure it will be fine.
Craig (shire)
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

Sounds good, count me in.
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

Sounds good, count me in. Good reason to travel to Sydney for the weekend.
Re: Sydney Mini Expo 2013/Vivid festival - 1st/2nd June - initial interest thread

Hi, I'll come along too.