How many arches will you have - 2, 4, or many more? What lights will you use, RGB strips or bullet/square node strings ... or even old school shop-bought LED light strings?
Light Types
With shop-bought strings wrapped around conduit
The original leaping arch designs uses either a single shop-bought string cut into sections or multiple shorter shop-bought strings (incandescent, then LED) wrapped around a frame, with each section connected separately to a controller so that the lights can be sequenced to appear like they leap from one side to the other. 7 strings for example would translate to a 7 segment arch.
PVC electrical conduit that's rigid but can still bend to a arch design

How to: Standard arches with Big W LED strings.
I thought I would write a how to on Standard arches seeing as there are none on the site. It covers the basic Arch wrapped in standard LED string lights. These have an overall length of about 2.8-2.9m and a diameter (spread) of around 1.6m from memory. This lets me have 10 controllable sections...

how many sections/segments for a dumb rgb leaping arch?
OK, quick poll. How many sections should my leaping arches have? A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. Another number...... Making them out of 20cm lengths of 5050 strip, tied to wooden lattice, and hung on side fence. Can't decide how many sections.... and then what controller..... thanks, Ewan

With RGB pixel strip
Air-Seeder pipe that's opaque in colour and bendable to various shapes
The 32mm size air seeder tube fits nicely over 25mm conduit.
Here is a fantastic guide on making leaping arches with RGB strip and seeder tube posted by cdjazman

Build guide - My Leaping Arch build with LDPE air seeder tube
Firstly thanks to @DavidJ247, @djgra79, @mccar (and anyone I have forgotten.) for all your input and help with the arches. Mix of ideas and constructive criticism/advice….. :):):):p:laugh: I will attach a spreadsheet with the breakdown of the cost but - *spoiler alert* - each arch cost me...

Roosta's build thread with air seeder strip arches:

Roosta's Display Build Thread
Well I am sure you guys are all experiencing the same overwhelming time crunch as we are!! 3 weekends to go!! Our lounge room at the moment is a 'blinkin' mess... IMG_5689 by Roosta posted Nov 10, 2017 at 10:24 PM I have knocked over about 30 of these little suckers, about another 25 to go...

With RGB bullet pixels
Bullet pixels and air-seeder tube
If you like the air seeder tube diffused look but don't use strip then bullet pixels can be used instead
Bullet pixels and coro
Leaping arch mounts made from coro can be bought from places like Boscoyo (USA) or Extreme Lighting Displays (Australia) - small (20 nodes), medium (32 nodes), large (50 nodes).

Arches Archives
Driveway Arches
As the same suggests, driveway arches are a 'super-sized' take of the leaping arch and is intended to span the width of a driveway, potentially high enough to park under it. Without proper supports, you may find that conduit deforms in the Australian Summer sun

Driveway Arch
This has been a long time in the making but we are finally making progress on an arch for the drive, this is a 16 string 4m long 50 pixel per string arch. I wanted a self supporting arch to put in front of my sleigh and reindeer so I have made this with 100mm heavy wall box section. The stings...

Fan Arches / Arch Spinner
Fan arches add in additional light runs between the centre and edges of the semi-circle, like spokes on a bicycle wheel. Sometimes called an arch spinner.
Fan arch shapes can also be built using coro designs from Boscoyo (USA), Extreme Lighting Displays (Australia), etc

RGB Fan/Arch
A quick view of the Fan/Arch's I recently completed. (video is short sample only with no audio). Fan/Arch has 8 fan segments and 9 arch segments. Each Fan/Arch is run by one power supply and (2) 27 channel controllers. These are 6 foot diameter archs and used a total of (4) 300 led 5050 strips...

Fan arch shapes can also be built using coro designs from Boscoyo (USA), Extreme Lighting Displays (Australia), etc

Arch Combo Archives
This Arch Combo was made to do a variety of designs. One prop that can be used to create several things within your show and for different holidays. It can be a Arches, or run a matrix, fan, or run Text. This is made from the same material as our megatree strips. There are mounting holes for zip...
See also
You may find further ideas in our Leaping arches custom creations forum. Questions, ideas, or have a build guide on how you made your own arches? Please share it.
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