2023 Journey - First display for JohnnyBoy


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2023
Still talking about 2023 setup in 2024? YES!

I hope you're all having a great start to the year. While I’ve already packed away my display, I'm still reminiscing about the setup process. I’m a little behind with the thread, but let's take a break from 2024 layout discussions and pre-buys to chat about some holiday shenanigans!

Who talks about their Halloween display in January! It really wasn’t much of a display, the kids were extra excited to go trick or treating and thought it might be fun to put up some icicles and a few props running test sequences. After talking about how crazy my Christmas lights would be, I think they may have been slightly disappointed haha! Little did they know!

See I told you I am behind! Who talks about their Halloween display in January? Well, mine wasn’t much of a display – an icicle, a few props, and some test sequences thrown around the found yard…... Kids were thrilled for the trick-or-treating way more than the lights unfortunately hahaha. After hyping up my Christmas lights plans to my neighbours, I think I may have set their expectations a bit too high and were slightly underwhelmed for Halloween!

Little did they know...

Props on the Roof
In an early post, I showed off my porcupine house with all the conduit clips siliconed to my house, well now it was time to get up on the roof and get everything in place. The process when much better than I thought, I didn’t have a single clip come loose when putting the props in place, and felt rock solid! Even the large arches felt quite secure. I did make sure that I cable-tied every prop to the conduit clip just in case it came off for some reason, the last thing I wanted was to see coro props flying around.

I approached the setup in what I thought was the most logical way possible. Roof outlines first, snowflakes, arches, and finally the icicles. I also tried to get as much of the cabling down at each prop so I didn’t need to go back onto the roof too many times. This did result in quite a few either long or short cables being used incorrectly but overall it went quite well. Getting the 3core extensions and Power Injection/Balancing wires in a somewhat tidy layout was a bit of a challenge. In some sections, I must have cable tied, cut, and re-cable tied 10 times to get it neat! With the 2m cable extension, I ordered for the 48pixel flakes, I had quite a bit of slack that needed to be tidied up between the flakes and didn’t need to use a single extension cable! Of course, I couldn’t resist getting some sequences playing with only a little of the roof setup! And could you blame me! So so cool to see it doing its thing.

Cable 3D printed labels

Before getting all the cables connected up I purchased the 3D print files for some cable labels from SFL-designs.com. These worked great and clipped very secularly onto the cables at the xConnect end. As they connect to the xConnect itself they work with both 2/3core cables, some of the other files I found only needed to be resized as they connect to the cable rather than the end connector. I never figured out how to print in two colours so just coloured in the numbers with a permanent marker, this worked really well and still showed perfectly at the end of the season. It was also really important to label everything as the two roof boxes required a fistful of cables to go through the roof eave hole thing and out onto the roof. Saved me a lot of headaches from figuring out the correct channel.

On the subject of knowing what went where, having a printed copy of the layout/port assignment I shared on one of my posts in my pocket saved a lot of trips up and down the ladder.

Mega Tree Setup

After getting everything set up on the house the mega tree was the last piece of the puzzle to get operational before I finally turn everything on together. It was really unfortunate timing as I needed a second set of hands (my dad) to help me stand up the pole with the steel topper and star topper in place. Boy was that thing heavy. I also took advantage of my dad’s rigging skills as he cut and made up the guy wires/shackles while I was busy prepping other things.

As my dad only had one day free, it needed to be done rain, hail, or shine, and boy did it rain! Wasn’t really a pleasant experience being out in the rain trying to get a mega tree up for the first time. Blind leading the blind! Next year I would change how I set it up as I discovered I could reach the steel topper plate from the ladder and remove it before pulling the poles out. Much safer and easier on the body. Lesson learnt!

Once the pole was up, I drilled in the ground anchors and nearly broke my wrist! Boy does my drill put out some torque, it nearly ripped my hand off. After that little incident, I attached the two-handed drill attachment that I should have used to begin with and I was off to the races. Easy As.

I carefully laid out all 32 strips and connected them together on the ground in groups of 4 totaling 600 pixels per port. As I allowed 3-pixel strip holes at the bottom and only 1 hole at the top I needed 16 of each, but seem to have miscounted and down 17/15. Out came the pixel pliers to swap over to 150 pixels to the correct hole. Connecting to the steel topper was easy, and soon all 32 strips were up and I could winch up the mega tree to its full height!

I thought about all kinds of fancy ways I could connect the bent steel arch to the ground stakes but in the end, you just can’t beat zip ties! Fantastic invention. As the strips held it up and the stake held it down, it kinda just floated there doing its thing. Plus, after a few days in the sun, the strips loosened a little and I could just tighten up the zip ties in about 30 seconds flat. To connect the pixel strips to the pole I used bungy balls spaced at 90mm increments to get even spacing. I did have to adjust these most nights as they seemed to move in the wind, so next year I’ll use something (probably more zip ties!) to keep them in place a bit better.

Once I had the tension just right I could drill all the way through the inner pole to enable the safety bolts to be put in place. Once they were in place I took all the tension off the winch and pole and felt much better knowing it would be hard for kids to tamper with it and get themselves in trouble.

Does anyone notice anything wrong………Whoops! That would explain why I needed to re-push 150 pixels to the correct hole. Sigh, time to re-do it for a second time.

By this time all the house props were up, but i hadn't completed the PI wiring for 2/3 of the roof. Still a sequence needed to be played. I also managed to have 8 mega tree strips in the wrong order so i never connected them up initially. Still super happy with how it looks!


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2023
It Lives! First Sequence in all its glory
After just over 10months of work on the lighting display I finally got everything plugging in and working! It was an awesome moment having the radio going and being about to feel the display come to life. It was incredible. Photos don’t do it justice and needs to be experienced in real live. Even video second cousin to being there.

Trouble Shooting
Did everything work perfectly right away? Of course not, there was quite a bit of trouble shooting and no doubt next year I will discover different things! The learning never stops!

Icicle line not working – Bad 7.6m extension cable
This one was responsibility simple, once everything was plugging in and running, I noticed that the icicled on the top most roof (portico area) wasn’t lighting up, only the first 5pixels. Up on the roof and first checked that the icicles were working by plugging them into another port and not a dodgy pixl. Worked fine. Then tried to plug the icicle cable into a different prop, nothing. From there I could determine that it was either the cable going to the controller, or something within the controller box. As I was on the roof with spare 7.6m cable, I replaced the cable and the icicles came to life! Back on the ground I tried to use the 7.6m extension cable on some working props and didn’t work. Problem solved and old cable cut and put in the bin!

Icicles not rendering correctly – xLights issue
Had a minor issue that was pointed out by the owner of Blinky Sequences (Pierre) after i shared a video of https://blinkysequences.com/product/that-christmas-morning-feelin-curtain-call-spirited/ that one of my icicles wasn’t showing part of the sequence property, but the rest of the whole house stuff looked fine on the same icicles. After some digging around in xLights I found that I didn’t select alternative drop on that icicle like I did on the others. Update the model, batch render and upload. Problem solved! In the photo you can see how the various icicles are being rendered. The bottom ones are correct with the parallelogram type shape.

Singing faces and flake issues – Wrong port
When I first connected up the ground props I found that the singing props and flakes on the house were all messed up, checking the cables I found that I had hooked them up in the wrong order despite having the 3D printed cable labels all correct. Updated this and still didn’t work right. In the end, I found that I had wired up the pigtails incorrectly within the controller box. Thankfully they are easy to remove the 3pin connectors and plug them in the right location. Easy fix and everything worked fine. Bit hard to see in the photo but the top most port pigtail was connected to a different port on the receiver! woops.

Flake on house - not mounted in right direction
During the testing phase were I was running vertical/horizontal/diagonal test patterns to check everything was setup correctly I noticed that one of the flakes (thankfully at ground level) on the house was displaying wrong. Woops, mounted it on a 30degree angle. Few cable ties and it liked back up with everything.

Stuttering Display – Bad Ethernet Cable
This is the one that got me the most and needed to get some outside help to finally get it sorted. @Danno is the man!

I had a problem that my entire display had micro stuttering that caused text to look funny on my tune to sign and props to stutter and miss displaying part of the sequence. It is likely that only someone with pixel experience would notice, but give how buttery smooth it looks on xLights it was quite jarring. Here are all the investigation steps that I tried with no change! Also was in the Zoom room multiple times and they couldn't figure it out, i think they didn't consider the ethernet cable as it was working and could update the controller and run the show.
  • Run sequence direct from xLights output
  • Different network Switch
  • Bought a new one
  • New sequence at 20fps rather than 40fps
  • Replaced Beaglebone with higher powered Pi
  • I bought a new one that I’m sure I’ll find a use for!
  • Updated software on xLights
  • Re-rendered everything
  • Updated software on Falcon F48 controller
  • Updated software on FPP
  • Changed from e1.31 to DDP
  • Bypassed the controller box cable glands
Everything was working and talking to each other, just with a micro stutter! After talking to the great group of guys in the Perth discord channel, Danno offered to come over and help trouble shoot. He brought his working Pi and a known good ethernet cable to see if that would help. Using the new Pi FPP did nothing, but connecting the new ethernet cable from my switch to the controller did the trick! Instantly it fixed the problem and the display was buttery smooth!

It was a bit of bad luck as the cable was working, just not working well enough. The super weird thing was it was a pre-made cable! I am also using those same cables throughout my display for smart receivers and haven’t had any issues. Just bad luck. Replaced the cable with another spare cable I had lying around and fixed! Thanks again for your help Danno!

Push button Speaker Box – Water and electronics don’t mix
My push button box was working perfectly and as the length of the cable I used wasn’t quite long enough to put it where I wanted it, I placed the little box in the raised garden bed. As the cables went down the side of the garden bed to the box the water could run down the cable and make its way though the cable glands. It wasn’t much water but enough to stop the amp inside from working and develop a lovely static sound! Lesson learnt, cables need to have a drip point before the cable glands! I dried it out as best I could and put a bunch of desiccant inside to absorb the moisture. To my surprise the next night it fired up the next night perfectly and worked all of December! Well almost, on boxing day the static started in one speaker and no amount of fiddling around could get it working, so for the last few days I disconnected one speaker and ran mono! Next year I’ll be improving the audio side quite a bit, was never happy with the sound quality.

The Final Product!
So after starting this journey back on 2nd January 2023, putting it well over 500+ hrs of time into the design, modelling, research, ordering, building, rebuilding, programming, mapping, mapping, setting and up and taking down. The best bit has been the sense of accomplishment knowing that I starting with no understanding other than a vision, and ended up with such an incredible display that my daughters want to dance to the music out the front every night before bed. I really enjoyed the whole process and can’t wait to see what 2024 and beyond brings!

YouTube Channel

View: https://youtu.be/qziwvEECrXo?si=XNXZZjsQk6QSi0db

View: https://youtu.be/bMKKRznjqhg?si=PQI1ur8xOcP2OLxp

View: https://youtu.be/4oMja9pcUpk?si=X0ozlmFLdrSshWVd

View: https://youtu.be/pMdYrzGhedM?si=kck1TBHZt4WwrjUq

xLights around Australia

View: https://youtu.be/kqP4A-BKm3g?si=KQyR1ZV4ET1ObJJV

xLights around the World

View: https://youtu.be/JFpWYgBL0wU?si=1TMZqu_s7Oh8dFSl

Follow on Facebook for more!

Next Up
Power usage
The Cost
Christmas Presents!
2023 Highlights
Display Walk through
Pack down Video
2024 Plans!


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2023
The Post 2023 Show Round Up
I wanted to put together a bit of a recap to show some key facts of the display that you might be interested it. I know i would have really appreciated the cost side of things when starting out. It's an expensive hobby and everything adds up.

Power Usage
As you know the number one comment from people visiting your display is ‘boy I would hate to see your power bill’, thankfully as my display uses the Shelly 1PM Plus smart relays on all the controller boxes, I knew exactly how much I was using. For the whole month of December, it only used 34kWh or just over $10 using Perth power prices. Bargain!

The Cost
Back in post 1 of this thread I set myself what I thought was a quite generous $5000 budget in January, by April 2023 it had grown to $13,686 (with $12,846 already spent).

The grand total accounting for every single dollar spent is $15,796 or $17,445 including the 3D printer and printing filament. With 14,132 pixels used, the cost per pixel is mighty close to that magic $1/pixel. Even closer if you used USD rather than AUD

$1.12AUD/Pixel or $1.23AUG/Pixel with the 3D printer.

And yes, its a lot lot lot of things!

Christmas Presents – Receivers
My family have fully embraced (or reluctantly accepted lol!) the hobby and it was no surprise that more pixels stuff was on the shopping list!
  • A bunch of receivers from Hanson Electronics
  • Vouchers for Extreme Lighting Displays
  • SAL32 4 port pixel controller from SmartAlac Lights

2023 Highlights

TV appearances

The first one came as a complete surprise, we had been out all weekend and came home Monday afternoon and our neighbours told us they saw the house on 7NEWS! Was very exciting and completely unexpected.

A few days after the 7NEWS airing, I got a call from Synergy Christmas lights competition and they wanted to interview me on 9NEWS and feature the display on live weather crosses on the 18th December. Was very nervous and I I had verbal diarrhoea! I was on the 5PM news but didn’t managed to get a recording of it…..maybe for the best. It was really fun seeing the weather being filmed and talking to the crew.

It was totally unexpected but somehow we made it to the Top10 list for the Alinta Energy / 7NEWS competition along with another AusChristmas Lighting member (Joy Lights on Mews)! Despite sending company wide emails and pestering everyone I could think of to vote, the top price went to an awesome traditional style Christmas display. Not fussed as I was surprised I got to the Top10 at all. There are so many amazing displays in Perth and the experience was so very humbling.

We set up a charity QR code out the front to donate to our favorite charity and it got lots of attention and very please to say we raised $636 for the Ronald McDonald House Charity! Amazing!

Always welcome more donations if anyone has some spare pocket money after the holidays!
Next up
  • Display Walk through
  • Pack down time lapse video
  • 2024 Plans!


Full time elf
Dec 8, 2014
I see you got a bundle of sequences and one other. Did you take a stab at doing any sequences yourself?


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2023
I see you got a bundle of sequences and one other. Did you take a stab at doing any sequences yourself?
All up I had 20 sequences playing, with all of them being purchased or free sequences from various sources that I just mapped and made small changes to.

I haven’t yet attempted to make a sequence from scratch as I didn’t have a lot of free time for that side of the hobby just yet. I’m hoping I can get 1-2 of my own sequences done this year. It’s a super time consuming part of the hobby!


Full time elf
Nov 13, 2018
It’s a super time consuming part of the hobby!
Haha different skills—building/making/installing props is much more time consuming for me. I’m down to one night for a simple song sequence, to the point my family can’t tell if it’s a pro one or not. I can tell, but we’re our own worst critics!


Jan 11, 2024
Mini Trees!
After what was a pretty good run with getting custom length pixel stings made, the mini trees were where I messed up......Kinda. The 105pixel strings were perfect and I even specified 1500mm pigtails on the input/output LOVE LOVE LOVE this part, I just didn't realise that the prop requires a pixel gap longer than the standard 4inchs every 34th pixel......

The Problem
The gaps at the bottom of the tree are just that little bit too far to stretch standard spacing pixels and i ordered the pixels before my props were delivered. Woops! I have no doubt LightitupLED's would been able to supply pixels with perfect spacing and even this weird custom length spacing every 34th pixels if I requested it. Lesson for next time.

View attachment 23338

Soldering and more Soldering

I may have gone slightly overboard on the number of mini trees with 8 for the first year, but for the regular readers of my journey I haven't done anything by halves. With that said, 8 trees, 2 splices per tree, 6 solders per splice and 2 wires to tin per wire. So that 192 wires to strip and tin, and 96 joints 😨😨

I found my little 3D printed pixel strip block and an offcut of pixel strip really helpful for keeping everything together nicely. Before this process i was pretty rubbish at soldering and particularly bad at tinning the wires. Not sure why it never clicked before, but after about 20 wires I finally got the knack of it and was tinning/soldering like a pro, well not a pro, but someone who didn't continually burn themselves and melt the wires kind of pro.

Once again having some decent tools makes the job much easier. Wire strippers are incredible, I've never owned a set until I started this hobby this year and boy, they make the task much more enjoyable. How i survived my whole life without them I'll never know.
And here we have the setup for tinning and one soldered set of soldered wires just before getting the heat shrink put in place ready for testing. Like I said, it's not pretty but will do the job.

Fun Fact, I had a bunch of standard 3 core + sheath wire, but no standard 3core cable used on the pixels. As I had so much extra length on the tree pigtails, I sacrificed 2 lengths to the splice gods. winning! These were from the two trees that will go at the end of the line so nothing needing the extra pigtail length.
View attachment 23339

I only counted wrong once, 37 is close to 34 right? Just a little more choppy chop and joiny join and good to go.

The Star and xLights
This bit might be common knowledge, but I thought it was awesome and saved me from making even more joints. When I finished pushing the pixels in the tree part, i got to the wiring diagram for the starts and found that it was at the middle in the bottom of the star and just wouldn't reach. Jumped onto xLights and the developers have thought of it, simple option for starting location and could finish up the star.
View attachment 23340

Testing time
After using a metric tonne of cable ties to fix the backs into place it was time to connect them all up along with the canes and run a sequence to see them shine. Not sure who was more excited me or the kids (definitely me!)
8 x 105pix for the trees
7 x 99pix for the canes. All running from 3 ports. Running at 30% brightness with no power injection for the test. I will be running PI every 300 pix or so.
View attachment 23345
Little one insisted she get a photo next to the trees and canes

Out the Front
After all the fun playing with lights inside the house, I have never placed any props outside to get an idea of scale and how it will all look. Well that all changed with the trees and I dragged them out the front and put them in position. Oh wow! even without lights going I felt extra festive. Can't wait to put them up for real! Is August too soon?
View attachment 23346

Custom Strings - Extra Long Pigtails
If you're still not sold on custom strings, check this out. With the extra-long pigtails on the canes and trees I don't need any extension cables to connect the props up. I've done this for my stars as well so they can connect up to each other on the roof with no extension cables. And if you're wondering if the custom pixels and custom pigtail length cost much extra, give Paul an email you will be surprised.
View attachment 23347

Next on the To Do List
I don't have too many more pixels to push, just 4 arches and 2 singing faces that I ordered a few weeks ago in a moment of weakness with the July sales from ExtremeLightingDisplays. Next task is either going to be the arches or I might get the conduit roof mounting system for the stars sorted. I recently picked up close to 200 PVC Tee's and elbows along with 15lengths of PVC pipe. By the end of it I will likely be half stoned by all the PVC glue!
Stay tuned!
So much great information! I have some Dalek mini trees coming and see you suggested custom 105pixel strings.
I'm about to pop through an order but after spacing advice on the longer pixel gap at every 34th pixel so can explain it clearly to Paul.


Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021
So much great information! I have some Dalek mini trees coming and see you suggested custom 105pixel strings.
I'm about to pop through an order but after spacing advice on the longer pixel gap at every 34th pixel so can explain it clearly to Paul.
I would not worry about custom spacing that much for the mini-trees. If you skip inserting every other bottom row until after you bend the tree into place you can than push those pixels in without an issue. It's a lesson you learn after putting together so many of them. The bottom row spacing changes as the tree is bent into shape.


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2023
So much great information! I have some Dalek mini trees coming and see you suggested custom 105pixel strings.
I'm about to pop through an order but after spacing advice on the longer pixel gap at every 34th pixel so can explain it clearly to Paul.
It will save some solder joints that for sure! I do notice that EFL Designs is releasing a new 400pixel tree that looks awesome! No custom length pixels required on that one. Here is a screen shot of some of the sub-models. Very fancy!

I would not worry about custom spacing that much for the mini-trees. If you skip inserting every other bottom row until after you bend the tree into place you can than push those pixels in without an issue. It's a lesson you learn after putting together so many of them. The bottom row spacing changes as the tree is bent into shape.
That works too. Just one row less and get to exactly 100 pixels rather than 105. Had I not ordered custom 105length pixels, I would have likely just missed the bottom row as you suggested.


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2023
2024 So it begins!
Here we go again!

2023 burn out
With a full-on year getting the first show under my belt I can honestly say I was over Christmas lights by boxing day. The year had been so filled with Christmas everything that a break was definitely in order. So, the lights came down over two days on the 26th and 27th of December and it was really nice to have the front of my house looking a little less festive for a while. My wife did remark that our house now looked super boring without the lights and I tended to agree. But not having to be out the front every night was quite nice.

So for the magical period of 27th December to 10th of January I didn’t even think about lights…..but on the 10th :DDDDDDD We are back baby!

2024 layout
The two things I knew for absolute certain I wanted was add to my display was a big HoHoHo matrix on the garage and larger spinners on the columns. The rest was just playing around to see what I liked and what wouldn’t break the bank to much. There are some really nice props out there and was super close to trading in my mini trees for the new 400pixel showstopper trees. Very very cool!

Roof snowflakes
I explored repositioning the roof snowflakes quite a bit and was almost sold on running them up the each of the roof ridge lines. Ultimately, I really loved the equal spacing on all my roof sections in my 2023 layout and decided to just spread out the spacing a bit. When I first planned the 2023 layout I was worried they would block the ridge lights too much, but after watching the display, I don’t think it will be detract from the display at all.

Ridge props
I was quite keen on adding either some stars or large flake to the roof apexes, and while I would still like to do it, I didn’t want to go as crazy this year with so many new props. Alas these will need to wait to a future year. So very cool HD props that would fill those spots nicely in future years!

New HD prop!
For my 2023 layout I was so in love with the Showstopper Snowflake with its 750pixels of pure shinny goodness it was a tuff act to follow. Knowing I wanted to add something, but also knowing I love symmetry, I settled on one just of the Showstopper Spinner to be mounted on the portico roof section between the arch (hopefully!). The sub models are crazy and looking forward to getting into the sequencing detail with both HD props working together. There were quite a few other HD contenders but it seems showstopper stuff just draws me in!

The garage was the main dead spot of 2023 and it urgently needed to be filled with the most amount of pixels I could possibly fit in it! I had a few things that influenced the size/spacing with the main one being the ability to open and close the garage door without moving the matrix. The other consideration was that I wanted a max of 1inch spacing, less if I could!

Those two things ruled out standard bullet pixels and really only left seed style pixels. The concern with seeds is that the wires are so small and repairing such a small thing would be tedious to say the least! Thankfully my main man Paul from LightItUp had preorders for WS2818 12v 4wire seed pixels with redundant backup wire. Sold! Paul was super generous and gave me a 100ct roll of standard 3wire seeds so I could play around with them to figure out how I would tackle spacing/mounting/joining.

I knew I was going down the custom string length route yet again, and trying to figure out exact length was much trickier than I thought it would be. I got to work on a shreadsheet to find exact drop length based on ideal spacing around garage door etc. I also had to consider overall port usage as well as max pixels/port. I could have gone up to 780string length but as this would limit the type of controllers I could use (at 40fps) I decided to go with the 560pixel/port option with 2x280 strings at 30mm spacing making up each port. This gives me the most flexibly if I decide to move controllers around etc. Crunching the numbers in excel, it looks like the Matrix will either be 19 or 20 ports worth of 560pixels meaning 10,640/11,200 new pixels for just the matrix!

The Rest
The rest of the changes are quite small but should hopefully add something.
  • Roof line on the back roof section. For the 2023 layout I had my 4 main sections of roof ridges with pixels but not the very back middle/highest one. Adding lights here will add some extra height and make the whole house effects pop a little more. No plans for flakes/props on this back section for now, but who knows what 2025 will bring!
  • Some larger spinners on the columns on either side of the garage as the ones I had are quite small one. I have tentatively put my old ones on the letter box but not sold on having them at all. Will just have to see how the year progresses
  • Front Garden and letterbox outlines. I originally planned to outline the driveway as well but as these are basically back/front, it would really likely render as the one colour all the time and didn’t feel it was needed. The letterbox was my main aim as this is where I have my push button and donation signs etc. Have some extra strings in xLights as I am not quite shore how they will all be connected but wanted to have the models there to move around/resize as needed
  • Flood Lights! I’ve preordered 8 of them and plan to have them at various locations around the house. Again, a work in progress and I’ll finalise the positioning in the next few months. After seeing how effective they were in other displays it needed to be done.
So here is existing going through the thought process till the 2024 layout. This year the only thing I have custom length ordered is the seed pixels the rest is up for change if I get a better idea. Would love to get everyone’s ideas/improvements on the 2024 layout!

Light it Up Samples
Paul really is such a help to this hobby and super generous with both his time and products. I sent Paul a quick message asking if he had any small offcuts of seed pixels so I could have a play around with them and get a feel for size/durably etc. The next day I was driving past Paul’s house and he had a full goodie bag full of things for me to have a look at.
  • WS2815 12V dual data line strips
  • WA2811 12V 3wire seed pixels – 10cm spacing
  • GS8208 12V 4wire bullets with 4wire xConnect
  • Another GS8208 (I think!) 4 wire bullet with a smaller 4wire connector
After cutting off the 4wire connectors and soldering up some regular 3wire xConnect it was testing time! While I was really impressed with the 4wire bullets and may go that way in future years, with my 2023 season having zero failures, I wasn’t too fussed on the backup data for this pixel type. What I really wanted to see was what the size/look/brightness/mounting was like for seed pixels. Whilst the sample wasn’t a 4wire seed, the 3 wire really gave me an appreciation of what they would be like to work with.

I printed out some seed mounting clips from SFL Designs to see how they would work. The clips have been designed around 5cm seed spacing so they wont quite work with the 3cm I have planned but with a little modification on TinkerCAD they will be perfect! I then made up a conduit frame to mount them all on to see how they went. Very very impressed, they are really bright, and for the matrix 30% brightness should be more than enough. I was surprised how warm they got at full power compared to bullets/strips, thankfully they are basically cool at 30%.

Close up of the SFL Designs seed pixel clip direct from the website

Soooooo for 2023 I had just over 14,000 pixels, and this year it's a slight increase with 18,000 pixels including the seeds on the way…….woops! Of those 18,000 I have 3-4k spare for purposed unknown. I’m sure I can find something to do with them!

On the shopping list for 2024
Back on page one of this monster thread I put a list of all the things I planned to buy and 2024 will be no different. The big difference is not needing to research every little thing and having established stores/vendors where I can buy all these things with minimal fuss. In fact I’ve ordered basically everything other than sequences, new controller, controller boxes and the 3 props I’m adding. It’s a very different feeling this year being more knowledgeable and less worried about how it will all go together. (I still only have a passing understanding of the networking and xLights side of things! Hopefully this year I improve on that side!). Thankfully its a much shorter list that last year and a lot less $$. I estimate around the $6,500 AUD range (as of 20/02/2024) for the 2024 additions.

Green – Ordered,
Yellow – To be ordered

Do I start a new thread or continue this one?
This question is over to you, new thread or continue with this one? If continuing I was thing about renaming the title to reflect the ongoing nature of it.

Other than that, are there any requests for the updates for this year? More detail, less detail, requests? For me personally the thread has become my own little resource that I can go back and re-read and look at photos when I wonder how I did something and hopefully you have got a kick out of it as well!

Next up
  • Order a controller/boxes and get those built
  • Play around with TinkerCAD to get the seed pixel connectors the way I want them.
  • Work on garage door mounting systems for the seeds
  • Go to the Perth Mini!!
  • New Push button audio box to be built


Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021

Hey now! It's a new year, which means a new thread! Otherwise this thread is going to be huge and massive and hard to read through by the end of year 2028. 😄

You can play with fun titles also.