Ok got more of a solid quote 50mm dia 3m length acrylic tube is $18 per 3m length delivered to me.
MOQ is 100 lengths. They are sending a sample.
If alls good I'm keeping 4 sets of 8 so 32 lengths.
That would leave 68 lengths remaining.
I am getting 2 samples from 2 different companies made of different materials. They both assure me they are UV stabilized and after a quick wiki search on the material I agree they will last in the sun. What I don't know is how much light they show and how easy they are to bend. I'm assuming I may have to make a jig fill them with hot sand and bend to correct radius. Which won't be bad because it means they are stronger.
I don't mind putting the work in but I want it too last and look neat.
Any updates on this? i would love to know how it has turned out, i would be looking at 4 x 3metre ones if everything goes to plan, bending, etc, i will be looking at the sand bending trick too, lol, Hope this is a good thing,
Are they fully clear? or the white cloudy look? i would like the clear ones. Thanks mate.