
The ECG-PIXAD8 from Joshua 1 Systems is a hardware interface with one Ethernet input and eight SPI outputs.

Initial Access

For this example, we'll assume that the ECG-DR4 is plugged into your local network and it has the factory settings. That being the case, it's IP address will be the default.

You can access the ECG-PIXAD8's configuration page via your PC by typing into the web browser address bar. Your network needs to be set up to use the 10.10.10.x range however. This can be achieved be either changing your PC's IP address temporarily or adding a second subnet to your PC. (see next sections for details on both methods)

You'll be prompted for a user name (admin) and password (EthConGwy) when you go to edit any of the ECG-PIXAD8's settings. This is where you can set up the IP address, output universes, etc.

If you want to change the ECG-PIXAD8's IP address to allow configuration access with your network's usual settings, go to the section labelled 'IP Configuration'. When you're done, save the configuration, click Reboot Master and follow the prompts. Remember however, that after rebooting the ECG-PIXAD8 will be "listening" on that new IP address, so if you changed your PC's IP address to , you will need to change it back to what it was previously.

Finding PC's IP Address

Method 1:
  • Double click your LAN connection
  • Go to the Support tab
  • Note the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway
Method 2:
  • Open a command prompt (Start > Run > Cmd)
  • Type ipconfig (and enter)
  • Note the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway
  • Close command prompt window

Change PC's IP Address

  • Right click your LAN connection and select Properties
  • Double click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the list
  • Select Use the following IP address
  • Type in for the IP Address (or any 10.10.10.x address that's not the same as the ECG-PIXAD8)
  • Type in for the Subnet Mask
  • Click OK at bottom of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
  • Click OK at bottom of Local Area Connection Properties

Your PC should now be able to access the 10.10.10.x network that the ECG-PIXAD8 is on. Please note however that you wont have internet access any more (due to that IP address change).

Second Subnet

You can also access your ECG-PIXAD8 by adding a second IP subnet to your PC's LAN connection. We'll assume that the ECG-PIXAD8 is on its default IP address.
  • Right click your LAN connection and select Properties
  • Double click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the list
  • Select Use the following IP address
  • Set the details to suit your normal network (type ipconfig at a command prompt to find them)
  • Click Advanced... down the bottom
  • Click Add... under IP Addresses
  • Type in for the IP Address (or any 10.10.10.x address that's not the same as the ECG-PIXAD8)
  • Type in for the Subnet Mask
  • Click Add
  • Click OK at bottom of Advanced TCP/IP Settings
  • Click OK at bottom of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
  • Click OK at bottom of Local Area Connection Properties

Your PC should now be able to access both your "normal" network and the 10.10.10.x network that the ECG-PIXAD8 is on.

Reset IP Address

Got a ECG-PIXAD8 and forgotten the IP address to access it on? No problem, you can force it back to IP address by doing the following:
  • Power the ECG-PIXAD8 down
  • Turn DIP switches 3 and 4 on
  • Power the ECG-PIXAD8 up
  • Log into the ECG-DR4 on IP address
  • Turn DIP switches 3 and 4 off

When you select IP Configuration on the left pane, you'll notice that the IP address details shown are what it was previously set to. If you're happy with those details, simply reboot (or power down/up) the ECG-PIXAD8.

If you want to change the PIXAD8's IP address permanently:
  • Enter the desired IP address and subnet mask
  • Click Save Config
  • Select Reboot Master on left pane
  • Click Continue
  • Wait 10 seconds
  • Log into the PIXAD8 using the new IP address just set

Updates and Info

Firmware updates and the user guide can be found [ here].

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